Ancient History

I started drawing furry stuff in the summer of 1995, following an obsession with contemporaneous Disney movies and other animated features. I'm not sure what made me start, but I know what kept me going: some very supportive friends, many of whom I've lost track of in the intervening years, but whose influence during those first few formative years always made me feel like some kind of superstar. I know now that it was encouragement far out of proportion to my abilities, but as much as it gave me an inflated sense of what I was capable of, at least I always recognized that there was a long way to go before I could compete with the pros. So I drew for hours every day, often to the exclusion (and detriment) of my academic work.

And yet I don't regret a bit of what's happened. It's all been humbling and perspective-filled, and now I can look back on these first drawings with fondness as well as with derisive rueful laughter. But if you'd like to skip the "fondness" part and move right on to the laughter, well, go right ahead—that's what all this is here for. And who knows... maybe you'll find it edifying.

Note: Dates on images are the dates of the scans, not necessarily the dates of the drawings.
Click the thumbnails for slideshow mode, or the filenames for direct links.

[IMG] Nevada.webp 06/01/1996 93 KB
Okay then. This would be my first attempt at visualizing a personal
character, back in late 1995 in my sophomore year at college. I remember
drawing this in the computer lab instead of doing my programming
assignment. I also remember barely passing the class. ...I didn't say
those two things were related.

Oh yeah: he's supposed to be a fox.

[IMG] Cadel.webp 09/02/2004 121 KB
Mid-1995 character portrait of someone you probably know. Too bad it's so

I redid it later, though.

[IMG] MuckMeet.webp 02/10/2000 95 KB
I'm not even going to try to explain what's going on here; just stare and
point and laugh, and I'll be over here until you're done.

This is just in here to (hopefully) provide a bookend to the rest of
this whole retrospective-type-thing; it's where I stood in the summer of
1995. And I was so pleased with myself, too...
[IMG] Clearwater.webp 06/01/1996 81 KB
A character for a friend of mine. This is the danger inherent in drawing
a musclebound character when you know nothing whatsoever about musculature.

[IMG] Embrace.webp 06/01/1996 96 KB
Aww, how romaaaantic. This would be from my younger and more innocent
days. I can still remember if I try real hard. I don't try very often.

[IMG] NevadaInspired.webp 06/01/1996 91 KB
I remember drawing this while attending ConFurence—I forget which
one, but it must have taken place in late 1995 or early 1996. Even at
that early stage I was discovering how drawing could at the very least
keep me amused in a corner.
[IMG] WhatDoYouThink.webp 06/03/1996 125 KB
More horrors of musculature. Wouldn't it be something if people actually
had pecs like this? He looks like a Transformer. Meanwhile this shows how
groundbreakingly creative I was even back then: sitting in a swivel chair
with a sketch pad, I chose to draw myself sitting in a swivel chair
with a sketch pad
. For my next trick, I'll write an essay about the
process of essay-writing, followed by something equally self-referential
and tiresome, like writing descriptions for pictures I drew eight years ago.
[IMG] Cheetah.webp 06/01/1996 106 KB
Someone had told me that there was no shame in copying from reference, if
in the process I learned from it.

This came out of a big-cat photo book. His feet don't line up. I guess I
learned that feet should generally line up.
[IMG] Fox.webp 06/01/1996 97 KB
Maybe I should have spent a little more time studying what foxes
actually look like, before giddily trying to do one in what I
laughably thought was "animation style".
[IMG] HyouNevada.webp 06/01/1996 127 KB
Okay, this is a little more promising. I'd not yet learned how to build a
character up from basic shapes the way the animators do it, so I was
faking it as best I could; and I had come up with a few tricks that let
me pull off the illusion okay. Plus I think I got lucky with a few of
these faces and postures, if not with things like balance and anatomy.
But whatever the story, this picture and the next few pumped up my ego
enough to keep me feeling pretentious and ambitious, so I kept going. I
guess that's the secret: trick yourself into persevering. Huh? Huh?
[IMG] ClearwaterNevada.webp 06/01/1996 116 KB
By this point I was dabbling with inking, as well as with pencil shading;
the results were encouraging, though the quality of the paper I was using
at the time was not. I had yet to discover why you ink on Bristol board
and not on sketch pad paper.

I still didn't know the first thing about musculature, or how to draw a
hand that wasn't just a row of sausage-y things stuck to a trapezoid. But
the shading made it look like I knew something other people didn't.
[IMG] HyouClearwater.webp 06/01/1996 68 KB
Hey, check out that beefy Trogdor-esque right arm.

I think this is about acting and directing. Things that occupied my mind
about four hundred years ago.
[IMG] NevadaI.webp 06/01/1996 97 KB
Oh, this should get a few giggles. This is what I considered "indecent"
back then, hence the I in the filename. And check out that sultry stare.
I may have been repressed, but it was never destined to last...
[IMG] Graduation.webp 09/02/2004 135 KB
At the time, this was the impossible dream.

I suppose it's just as well that I had to take a (forced) semester off
from school and attend my hometown community college to rebuild my
distraction-shattered GPA; if I hadn't, I'd never have been in the area
to collide with Lance and start whipping up the ideas for ASB. Life is funny.

[IMG] Elevator.webp 06/01/1996 95 KB
Horrible, dead eyes, nonexistent balance, and grotesque proportions that
could have come out of Escher on brown acid. Other than those things,
though, this picture sucks.

[IMG] Space.webp 06/01/1996 205 KB
This is a bit better, mostly because I didn't have to worry about faces.
I think this was supposed to be for a con book at some sci-fi convention
that I knew nothing about.
[IMG] Vixen.webp 09/02/2004 103 KB
I don't remember who this is; only that I'd apparently decided that
Balto was going to be my model for drawing canine faces. And that
I had a long way to go in learning how hair and clothes work. (I never
did figure out hair.)
[IMG] Leash.webp 06/01/1996 116 KB
Um, yeah. Like I said, hair was never a strong suit of mine. Nor was
hiding my stylistic inspirations.

[IMG] Cadel2.webp 09/02/2004 151 KB
Cadel gets redrawn. Boy, was I proud of the contrast between this and the
earlier version, after about nine months of practice. The balance may
still be off, but at least now he looks like he has actual anatomy
instead of just an outline.
[IMG] Ralkor.webp 09/02/2004 138 KB
Now this one I'm still proud of, in its way. In fact, I've never
been able to quite replicate that face. This is one of those mysteries of
nature, akin to the one where Gary Larson discovered that once you've
drawn Rocky the Flying Squirrel successfully once, it's physically
impossible to do so ever again.

[IMG] Agora1.webp 06/01/1996 99 KB
Okay, here's where I start to strike out on my own; those previous
characters are never heard from again, due to one thing and another (some
of which would lead directly and inexorably to my no longer being in
college for that semester); and I've come up with a new "character" (I
use this term loosely, because it's not like it was ever anything more
than a drawing that I tried to pretend represented "me"), one that's
actually got some body definition and no clothes on to hide it. I kinda
liked this drawing, but the face needs help. (Not as bad as some of the
later ones, though.)

[IMG] Agora.webp 06/01/1996 99 KB
This body posture gives me the heebie-jeebies. So do those atmospheric
elements, and the face, and the hands. You know what? Skip this one.

It's here for the completist in me.

[IMG] MorningStretch.webp 09/27/2002 124 KB
For the longest time I convinced myself that if anybody ever stumbled
across my sketchbook, all they'd find would be a bunch of unobjectionable
cute fuzzy animal drawings. I had a completely separate book,
however, in which my hand started drawing naughty nasty horny stuff, no
matter how much I told it to stop. This, I believe, is the first full
frontal male nudity I ever drew. June '96. The date from which all time
would thenceforth be reckoned!

To look at this one, though, you'd think I'd never seen a penis before.
[IMG] LyingDown.webp 09/27/2002 89 KB
Must have just been an excuse to draw naughty bits... although these
aren't exactly pretty as such things go. I kinda like the pose, but that
head needs to be snipped off and replaced with, oh, I don't know, Trey
Parker's or something.

[IMG] AgoraJerk.webp 09/27/2002 70 KB
Wow, once the dam was breached, eh? I guess I figured that at this
point there was no soul left to save, so I may as well go for the gusto.
[IMG] RalkorStanding.webp 09/27/2002 126 KB
Memo to self: balls hang down. Everybody sing! Do your balls
hang low? By the look of this guy, no!

See? I told you I never could replicate that face.
[IMG] WolfStanding.webp 09/27/2002 93 KB
I kinda like this guy, even today. I think it's because of that shy
little hand (which actually looks like a hand for once). Partially
obscured naughty bits are sexy, as I was beginning to discover. Oh, and
the musculature is starting to look a little more like it's of this Earth.
[IMG] SelfPortrait.webp 02/10/2000 69 KB
As 1996 wore on, and discussions with Lance (online and otherwise during
weekend visits) started to lead toward some kind of comic-type project, I
found my self-image starting to look more like this guy. Yes, I think
this design came about after I started doodling Daniels.
[IMG] Sleek.webp 09/27/2002 99 KB
I always rather liked this one. I was starting to dabble in things like
comic shading, which meant crosshatching and edge lighting; meanwhile,
the musculature was starting to fall into place, and most importantly I
was starting to come up with some actual balanced figures once in a while.

Oh, and that's foreshortening on the cock. Honest!

[IMG] Blowjob.webp 02/10/2000 76 KB
By this stage (late '96) I was starting to get multiple figures into
sticky situations together. I was having problems with making the
postures look natural, but that's soooo not what's important when
it's 11:00 PM and you're feeling fidgety.
[IMG] Dance.webp 02/10/2000 104 KB
Awwww again. This would be cute if the characters didn't look so dorky.
[IMG] Rif.webp 02/10/2000 68 KB
I believe this was intended to be Rif from the game Inherit the
. I think he looked better when he was twenty pixels tall.

[IMG] Xmas.webp 02/10/2000 83 KB
Christmas 1996—I was heading back to college and feeling full of
the goodwill of the season, so I thought I'd try inking something that I
could send out to friends who liked naked lion butts.

Check out these eyes. They last through about mid-1997, at which point it
dawns on me that they don't work and I should draw them differently.

[IMG] WhiteWolf.webp 02/10/2000 93 KB
This isn't any particular couple of characters from any particular movie.
No, really.

...Okay, I guess that joke would only work if they looked more on-model
to start with, but I'm not holding a royal flush here...

[IMG] HuskyOrgy.webp 02/10/2000 51 KB
Here's what happens when the sled dogs get unhitched for the night. (Hey,
when you have to stare at an uplifted tail inches in front of your face
all day long...)

This is a theme that I seem to revisit once in a while.

[IMG] BensChars.webp 02/10/2000 127 KB
Character designs for a friend's story. These are more fossils from a
project that I never heard of again, but they're educational in a
way—if only as a cautionary example of how not to draw faces, or
[IMG] ToonyWuff.webp 02/10/2000 78 KB
It's probably safe to say that mid-1997 marks the end of the "Ancient
History" section of this little archaeological dig. This little guy was
partially an attempt to mimic another artist's style, by the way—I
couldn't possibly remember who. But it did give me a few ideas for how to
wean myself off of the Balto design cues for canines.

Huh huh huh. I said "wean".

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