StevenIsNotGay.webp (31/65) 09/02/2004 196 KB
By this stage I was back in college and kicking ass with a whole new set
of priorities, and I drew this and tacked it to my door. Which meant that
all my housemates, upon passing my room, knew from the handy advertising
that I was a misfit to be shunned instead of someone to allow into the
social cliques. Girls seemed to like finding sketches like this on
people's doors, but it was no way to run with the "in" crowd. (And the
"in" crowd among a bunch of physics geeks is a strange phenomenon indeed.)

The upshot was that it wasn't until I graduated that I finally found a
social circle where I actually fit. Someone imaginative could probably
find a parallel to that in the premise of this Steven drawing, but that's
not for me to do.