One of the problems with having certain sex scenes occur off-camera is that we don't get to see them. There we were, all set to see Daniel and Vince get it on, and instead all we got was a fade-to-black. Argh!
Well, I'm not one to stand for that sort of injustice, so I drew this (in the airport on the way from college to Lance's for one of those weekend visits that I did so often in 1998-99), which I found quite satisfying. (I'm sure Vince was just tickled pink to have a much smaller, much gentler feline cock up his tail than what he was used to... and Daniel got to be on top for once.) But then, guilt struck me: I was the only one who would ever get to see this. So hopefully including it here rectifies the situation.
Now, I know the logical conclusion of this is to show you all the previously unseen Ricky/Steven sex from Issue 8, but... well, we promised Terrie Smith that she'd have dibs on drawing that sequence, and the offer still stands. So I'm afraid I'll have to disappoint you on that one. Sorry about that.